Be Mindly, Stay Mindful

Mindly.Social aims to be a friendly, non-topic specific community focused on spreading positivity, expanding your knowledge and experiences, and just being plain old happy on social media for once. And this is our little podcast about it!

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About the podcast

The Mindly.Social Podcast is a weekly discussion about the Mindly.Social community and the Mastodon/Fediverse platform as a whole. We talk about many random topics pertaining to the server and the platform trying to provide insight and entertainment. Mostly we're just winging it, so enjoy!

Joe (@KuJoe)


KuJoe is the owner of Mindly.Social and handles most of the day-to-day management of the instance. He can usually be found nerding out about tech, answering questions for new users, boosting posts of awesome photos and artwork, or in the replies interacting with new people.

Jane (@Janie)


Janie is an awesome contributor to the Mindly.Social community by running multiple community focused activities like #icebreaker where she prompts people with questions to get to know new users and start conversations or her popular Choose Your Own Adventure (@CYOA) series where people vote in daily polls and she builds a story around the results. She's the reason this podcast even exists being the brainchild behind it.